“Ioanna” is a Memphis inspired dining chair titled after my aunty, Ioanna - the most influential person for the early cultivation of my passion for art and design. Just like my aunt, “Ioanna” stands proudly, is robust, has got your back (and arms!) when in need, is excellent at making you feel comfortable, is a hugger, oozes style, class and fun. The chair is hand-crafted entirely out of materials rescued from a furniture and upholstery factory bin, electrical site and as post consumer HDPE plastic. “Ioanna” highlights the juxtaposition of materials’ perceived value, as they transform from disposable, unwanted, used junk to useful, desirable, premium design objects. By shifting the audience’s view of waste, I aim to exemplify a future of sustainable furniture design practices that make use of the abundance of waste destined to landfill.

Band sawing squiggly pattern.
Polishing self-made dowels on lathe.
Chiseling joinery.
Hand sawing armrests.
Bolting cable drum seat to frame.